Soap and Water: Your first defense.
One of the oldest remedies for preventing sickness in children is teaching them how to properly wash their hands with pure soap and water. This simple solution with help keep their immune system strong so that it can fight disease-producing organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Your child can easily be exposed to pathogens when they get around other children in that are sick in places like daycare, park, or even touching a shopping cart.
A child’s body produces its own antibodies to build the immune system and keeping the immune system strong can help fight of sickness when exposed. So teach your child how to properly wash his or her hands with soap and water. It is also good to keep them in a non-toxic environment. If you are not already using a non-toxic soap for washing hands and cleaning your house and daycare, you may want to get a bottle of Enviro-One Green Cleaner. We always cary around a two oz spray bottle so we can spray and wipe surfaces that our children come into contact that can have pathogens.